Okay, I've finally done it. Years of putting it off has led to this moment. I've finally decided to watch Firefly. I haven't been putting it off for production reasons, I haven't got a problem with any of the actors in it. I realised that I knew a lot of the actors, Nathan Fillion, Alan Tudyk and Ron Glass have been in a lot of programs and films I've seen, they most likely gained their fame from this short-lived show. I haven't got any quarrel with Joss Whedon either, Avengers (Assemble in the UK) was brilliantly directed considering the huge characters and A-list actors he had to deal with. I even saw the film Serenity, way back in 2008. I hadn't realised it was linked to the TV series, but even after I did I still opted out of watching it.
It's probably more to do with the fanbase. If it turns out I dislike it, I'd be cast into eternal damnation by the cult consisting of Firefly fans, two of which being my sister and mother. Though, with Netflix offering the entire first (and only, much to the disappointment of the cult) season, I felt as though I was obliged to give it a watch.
I've heard a lot (a lot) about this show, about all the clever pop culture references, the intricacies of the character's relationships and how the show takes intelligent digs at whatever it wants.
I'm going to 'live blog,' where I keep the blog post open and write as I'm watching, I don't know if other people do it, I'm pretty closed off from the blog world, something that I'll have to look more into, considering what I'm doing right now. Anyway, hopefully it'll all go down smoothly, if not I'll have to change what I'm doing. Or not, fuck the rules and whatnot.
20 minutes in: So far I'm enjoying the Asian culture references, not that I understand why Asia in any way. Still, it's interesting. So far my eyes have been constantly drawn to the TV. It's visually stunning, from the sandy planets to the ship's hull. I love the small details in films and TV, and from what I've been told that's why I'll love Firefly.
40 minutes in: So far, everything's looking good, sadly I'll have to go out soon, and that means I can't watch any more. So I'm desperately hoping it doesn't end on a cliffhanger. However I've just realised it's an hour and a half, which means the first episode is going to be a two parter, much to my disdain.
50 minutes in: More Chinese, Nathan Fillion being more of a badass. More violence. The plot just blew right up, but I have no idea how it relates to the film, I'll have to research that later. Is his name Adam Baldwin's name Jane? I think I'm beginning to invest in this show.
I like space. I like Star Wars, I'm starting to think I'm going to like this. What is a reaver, other than a whole lotta bad? There are a lotta cast members that I recognise, like Crazy Eyes from How I Met Your Mother Season 2, the one with the pumpkin lattes. I hope Nathan Fillion starts to show his nurturing side, it'd be good if he had a soft spot. I'd probably like him a lot more, not that I dislike him.
60 minutes in: Time to go. I'm really distraught about this, but I won't be out for long, so once I'm back I'll finish watching this episode, which I'll be blogging in Part 2. Stay tuned!
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